For more information, please contact contact@interstellarflightpress.com. Their call is reproduced here:
Interstellar Flight Press is accepting submissions of book-length nonfiction manuscripts. We invite scholars of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and related genres to submit proposals via our submission form. Our areas of focus are: Books about SFF genres, writing speculative fiction, poetry, film, comics, pop culture, diverse and marginalized voices, feminism, and disability, as long as these topics intersect with speculative genres. We are very interested in books from researchers outside the U.S. We also welcome collections of essays. Authors should be experienced in the field of SFF research.
Full-length books 30,000-125,000 words.
Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Multiple submissions are allowed.
If your book is in-progress, please include a delivery schedule in your proposal.
This call will remain open for the foreseeable future.