An interdisciplinary feminist journal dedicated to science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, surrealism, myth, folklore, and other supernatural genres.
Study Groups
Batya Weinbaum is offering study groups on radical feminist theorists such as Shulamith Firestone, at a suggested donation of $300 to get through a series of 8 sessions. Donations can be made through the gofundme page at the beginning of the study group or on a session-by-session basis.

We are delighted to announce the workshop series hosted by members of the Femspec community!
All workshops meet 4 times for 1 hour each via Zoom. Registration is a flat fee of $150 and includes registration for all four sessions. You can also pay for individual sessions. Please see below.
If you would like to host a workshop, please see our call for workshops.
Workshops Currently Enrolling

Painting from the Divine Feminine
Instructor: Batya Weinbaum (weinbaumbatya@gmail.com)
When: Friday mornings at 9 am EST
A special way to give, greet and connect with friends and loved ones in a spiritual way, and to honor your sacred ties with others in symbolic ways. You will need a notebook, pens, and watercolors or color pencils. I will give sketching instructions in a technique I learned from a Chilean painter in the 80s. We will explore how the archetype connects with our psyche and then color or paint. Goddesses explored will include Durga, Kali, Ixchel, and Inanna.
Testimonials: "Don't think you can draw? No worries! This class is about feeling it, not getting it 'right". Great information about the Goddesses from a very knowledgeable instructor. When I connected to the divine being of the day, I found attributes that I could use in my everyday life!"
- Reverend Jenni Vinecourt (Church of the Angels, Cleveland)
Register Now: You may pay for one session at a time, $35-40. If you are paying for one session at a time, please do so by Thursday the day before the class and donate here to receive the zoom link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/y3x5pu-femspec
$150 for 4 sessions

Creative Writing Through Myth
Instructor: Batya Weinbaum (weinbaumbatya@gmail.com)
When: Fridays at 10 AM EST
Four Zoom Workshops with Batya Weinbaum
Each workshop will use a different divine female archetype and the myths
surrounding her such as Durga, Kali, Inanna and IxChel as prompts for timed
free writes of fiction or poetry. Use these powerful female images to transform
your life. Create modern day characters infused with ancient archetypal energy,
$150 for four one hour sessions the workshop is ongoing and you may enter at any time. You may also pay for one session at a time, $35-40.
Batya Weinbaum editor of Femspec, has published fiction and poetry in a variety of publications and anthologies, several books of poetry,
a short story collection, and a novel. She has won awards for both poetry and fiction.
Donate here to receive the zoom link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/y3x5pu-femspec
For questions: weinbaumbatya@gmail.com
Special Workshop: Unleash the Magic of Tarot
Instructor: Batya Weinbaum (weinbaumbatya@gmail.com)
When: Four-week Zoom session Tuesdays at 8:00 PM EST
Four Zoom Workshops with Batya Weinbaum
$150 for four sessions.
Learn and understand the four suits, the progression of the Major Arcana, and how to give a reading.
For more information, please email: weinbaumbatya@gmail.com