An interdisciplinary feminist journal dedicated to science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, surrealism, myth, folklore, and other supernatural genres.
You may submit your work by mail, email, or the form below.
To submit by mail:
Please submit a copy of your work in which no identifying information is available, as well as a cover letter that includes your name, contact point, fifty word bio, abstract, and proof of subscription. Direct submissions to:
Femspec Journal
1610 Rydalmount Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
To submit by email:
Please submit an electronic copy of your work to femspec@aol.com in which no identifying information is available. In a separate attachment, please prepare a cover letter that includes your name, contact point, fifty word bio, abstract, and proof of subscription.
To submit by online form:
Please use the submission form below to submit your work. If you prefer to upload a document, please submit your work by email.