For more information, contact press@speculativeliterature.org. Their press release is reproduced here:
The Speculative Literature Foundation is now accepting applications for the
2021 A.C. Bose Grant for South Asian Speculative Literature. Applications will be open through
January 31st, 2021.
The $1,000 A.C. Bose Grant for South Asian Speculative Literature, co-sponsored by the
SLF and DesiLit, is awarded to a South Asian or South Asian diaspora writer developing
speculative fiction. The grant is named in memory of Ashim Chandra Bose, a lover of books,
especially science fiction and fantasy, and was founded by his children, Rupa Bose and Gautam
Bose. For more information about the A.C. Bose Grant, or to apply, click here.
Each grant is intended to support the SLF’s mission of promoting literary quality in speculative
fiction. Grants are awarded by a jury of SLF staff on the basis of merit. Additional information
about all of the SLF’s grants, including specific application guidelines, can be found at
speculativeliterature.org/grants. Grant applications are open to all: you do not need to be a
member of SLF to apply for or receive a grant.
Founded in January 2004 to promote literary quality in speculative fiction, the all-volunteer
Speculative Literature Foundation is led by Mary Anne Mohanraj and 30 other committed
volunteers. The Foundation maintains a comprehensive website offering information for readers,
writers, editors and publishers of speculative fiction, develops book lists and outreach materials
for schools and libraries, and raises funds for redistribution to other organizations in the field, as
well as five awards made annually to writers. For more information, visit
The SLF is a 501(c)3 non-profit, entirely supported by community donations. If you'd like to be
involved with our efforts, please consider joining us as a member for $2/month, at
This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.