Femspec is now welcoming critical and creative contributions which address questions of
gender and/or sexuality in the dystopian anthology series Black Mirror, as part of the special
issue guest edited by Miguel Sebastián-Martín (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain).
Contributions may pay attention to those aspects of Black Mirror that are centrally and
ostensibly about gender and/or sexuality, but they may also focus on the gaps, omissions or
misrepresentations that conform with and/or reinforce patriarchal normativity. Regarding
creative contributions, we encourage writers to submit feminist rewritings of any episode of
Black Mirror, especially if they aim at deepening and/or amending the narratives (i.e. by
changing endings, revising specific aspects, giving voice to “background” characters, etc.). With
respect to critical contributions, we welcome essays that (a) do close critical analyses of
specific episodes, (b) reflect upon recurrent topics of the whole series, or (c) examine
the series’ own context of production.
Besides the above-mentioned questions, some possible topics for critical analysis and themes
for creative writing can be found in the following list. In any case, these topics should be
examined with a central emphasis on their intersection with questions of gender and/or
Algorithmic biases
Artificial creatures, androids, robots, and other Frankensteinian creatures
Bodily modifications and transhuman corporeality
Black Mirror and blackness
Black Mirror’s production (writers, actors, producers, etc.)
Digital control
Digital domesticity and domotics
Digital (gendered) labor
Digital racialisation
Femininities, masculinities, and/or non-binary gender expressions
Intersectional perspectives and interpretations
Memory and history
Motherhood, fatherhood, and parenthood
New technologies in medical praxis
Private and public spaces in the digital age
Self and subjectivity in digital environments
Sex work and sexploitation
Sexuality and sexual orientations
Spectators and users, passivity and interactivity
Subversive and/or non-conforming practices
The mediated gaze
Virtual realities and cyberspaces.
All contributors are required to subscribe via the Paypal
forms available on the journal’s website, https://www.femspec.org/subscribe. Submissions must also be sent via Femspec’s Submission Form, https://www.femspec.org/submission-form, respecting the journal’s Submission Guidelines. The deadline for submissions
is January 1st, 2023.